About Ant Morris

I'm an extraordinarily skilled keynote presenter and revenue coach for financial professionals-unleashing a finely honed blend of outrageously creative prospecting ideas,astonishing personal marketing strategies and high-voltage vocabulary design to move client's minds, hearts and loyalties in your direction. My programs are delivered with punching impact, captivating humour and immaculate timing. I've spoken before audiences from 50 - 25 000 in 50 + Countries over 25 Years on 2000+Conference Platforms for 200+ Global Brands. This includes 4 appearances at the Million Dollar Round Table and 2 at APLIC, the world's largest life insurance conference in Asia.

I believe that within a single decade 80% of today’s financial brands and companies will either disappear or be owned by the remaining 20%. In my high-impact keynote programs and group coaching projects, I equip you with a powerhouse of the very best immediately-profitable strategies-inspiring you to action and up-skilling you to with a new playbook to decapitate your competitors, positively disrupt client thinking and enhance your bank balance literally overnight. In the midst of cataclysmic and tumultuous upheaval, companies are becoming increasingly throttled by stale and self-limiting thinking-and suffering a resultant implosion of productivity Most of them require fresh strategies, unique marketing approaches and captivating customer conversations to break through the smoke and mirrors being dished up in a marketplace littered with mediocrity.

My ground-breaking work bridges the gaps between digital innovation, emotional wallet and creative customer engagement. Discover how overtake your competitors in becoming First Choice with breathtaking speed and reputational momentum. The plug-and-play systems and practical solutions I share will positively disturb your status quo and catapult your income. Engage me in an obligation-free conversation about your upcoming virtual or live conference/training event. I’ll unpack the provocative tactics you need today to put your thinking and innovation on steroids. Strap yourself in for an eye-opening roller coaster-ride into the future of your business.