
If you need something to solve a business challenge or staff issue, I know how to solve it. Or I am connected to a global team of specialists who will. On the development and coaching of staff, I am regarded as a pace-setting, passionate and practical coach who unleashes instant impact and activates enduring behavioral change.

When you need a powerful conference speaker on service excellence, disruptive marketing and innovation, I punch above my weight and deliver keynote programs & facilitated workshops that have consistently been Top Rated by conference attendees in 50 countries over 30 years among 200 global brands.

Keynote programs & facilitated workshops that have consistently been Top Rated by conference attendees in:




For pulling together the resources, systems and people to transform large-scale projects from vision to successful deployment, I offer a complimentary, no-obligation 2-hour session to exchange ideas and put your team’s dreams “ on steroids” with no financial commitment whatsoever.

Facing the challenge of re-energizing your marketing positioning or re-aligning sales performance, you will find my internationally-recognized coaching programs, creative insights and practical tools to be fresh, positively disruptive and fueled by plug-and-play practicality in activation.